shabby clouds

Friday, February 11, 2011

Let's get physical!

All this talk about how to be more mentally happy warrants some talk about how to be physically happy too. Think of it like a house. Each foundation wall represents a different aspect on how to be happier. Let's say there are 4 walls; Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social. If there's a roof on our imaginary house we'll call it spiritual. If, even one wall is sagging and dilapidated then that house would not be a very pleasant place to live. Even if every other wall is healthy and strong would you buy a house that has a wall completely rotting away?

It also works in reverse. If you have a wall (or area in your life) that is sagging, making the other walls as strong and upright as you can, can pull the lagging wall up with it. Maybe not ALL the way up, but vastly improved. Make any sense? I'm of course talking about diet and exercise! No no no, don't click away to the next blog yet! I know, diet and exercise, blah blah blah. What else new would I have to say about it? Well, nothing really. Many people much smarter and with much more experience have paved the way for that. I'm going to talk about our attitude towards physical health.

I read an MSNBC article once that said Americans are very all or nothing people. We have some of the hardest working people in the world and some of the laziest. Some of the thinnest and some of the fattest. The most moral and the very immoral. etc. Now whether you agree or not with their assessment I happen to feel it's true for myself on an individual basis. If I can't lose 10 pounds in the first week of an exercise plan I give up, and eat a box of Oreo's.

I've really had to change my attitude about exercising. Exercising just to be more healthy and happy doesn't sound very motivating but it really is! When I'm completely wrapped up in diet and exercise for self image's sake alone I tend to push myself as hard as I can and get it all perfect for about two weeks until I can't take it anymore and binge in front of the T.V.... And eat a box of Oreo's.

When I remind myself to treat my body nice to be more healthy it goes more like this. I work out about 2 - 3 times a week. Whenever I feel like it, never on the same schedule. I add more fruits and veggies and eat more salads. Now here's the kicker, when I fall off the plan I don't beat myself up and, well, eat a box of Oreo's. I have a couple Oreo's, and then just try again next week. I don't freak out and loath myself in my closet, rubbing those soft size 2 jeans on my face that I bought to motivate me to lose a gazillion pounds! Not that I ever did that... ahem. Anyway, the point is when you stop setting unrealistic goals and then putting yourself down that you didn't achieve them, you'll find you stick to your plan much easier. Go ahead, take a bite of cake. You deserve it! So you only went for 1 walk this week. Who cares! Studies show that people who have compassion for themselves stick to their diet and exercise plans for waaaaaayyy longer than people who give up and sink into depression. Stop yelling at yourself and you'll find you feel like exercising more and eating less crap all on your own.

That's been my experience. I do Yoga about twice a week. Do I have rippling muscles? Am I a size 2? Have you seen me? But I've stuck with Yoga for.... drum roll please. Over one year straight. Find something that works for you and set a realistic goal that you can stick with. I've been adding Jillean Michaels 30 day shred to my mix, but only once a week. I know Jillean would cuss in my face if she heard that, but it's something I can sustain and feel good about. I'm not 400 pounds Jillean! Stop yelling at me! Okay, she get's in my head sometimes, it's over now.

So next time you hop on the hamster wheel of diet and exercise, whatever it might be, just have a little compassion for yourself. Don't focus so much on bikini's and hot pants, focus more on being happy and releasing some endorphins. Focus first, on keeping your house of happiness in balance and the rest will follow. I should probably go practice what I preach right now before Jillean starts up again.


1 comment:

  1. You are seriously such a good writer! no joke... i am actually considering having you make up a bedtime story for my kids! I really enjoy reading what you have to talk about. You really make some good points. I like that it is basic but to the point and that you don't make it sound like not rocket science (not that your ideas aren't as amazing as rocket science (: ). I don't know if it is the Social Worker in me or not. However I do want to thank you for all that you do. You are an inspiration. :)
