shabby clouds

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Grinch

I heard this little story in my book "happy for no reason" and thought it very appropriate for today. I get a little misty eye'd every time I hear it. Nothing brings out the material girl in all of us like Christmas, and it's especially horrifying when your sweet little kids suddenly turn into greedy little monsters. So here's an uplifting little story on how one little girl was happy on Christmas.

When my oldest daughter Victoria was almost 3, we read "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" to her every night before the holiday. She'd curl up to me as I read, "every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot". She listened intently as the Grinch unveils his plan to steal Christmas from the Who's. The Grinch dresses up like Santa and sneaks into the Who's homes and steals every present and every decoration, leaving only hooks and wires on the walls. The Grinch is surprised when the who's are happy on Christmas morning even without their presents. "He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it came just the same". On that Christmas morning we awoke just before Victoria so we could watch her 3 year old enthusiasm to see all her presents under the tree. My wife, then pregnant with our second child, and I beamed to see her wide eye'd excitement at the thought that Santa himself had been in our home. We expected her to dive into them, but she didn't. She held up her little hand and said "stop!". Let's pretend. Let's pretend the Grinch has been here and stole everything and left just hooks and wires and we'd still be happy!". So we stopped - and were happy.

And like the Grinch my heart grew 3 sizes that day.

Happy holidays everyone!

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