shabby clouds

Monday, March 21, 2011

March=prison sentence

I find I am not a big fan of March. Never have been. Not where I live. It's sort of like if you've been dieting hardcore for 3 months and then someone gives you a candy bar for good behavior but then says "wait, never mind!". March is supposed to be the first part of spring! You get a couple of lovely warm days, then the cruel wind blows, making it more miserable than winter. I dressed my 5 year old up in snow gear yesterday so she could go out to play- snow boots, snow coat, hat, gloves the works and she came back in after 5 minutes completely demoralized by the freezing wind. This month is the hardest for me to stay positive. So I did the only thing I could think of...
I got my favorite brownies. These are the best brownies of all time. The End. Seriously, try them. These are garenteed to put a smile on your face, even if it is March. Then I covered them in chopped up skors bars and I could feel those clouds lifting.

Also, my flowers are starting to come up in my little garden! I can't remember what they are but I am excited!
The princess nail polish is for size comparison only.

One more thing, I never really gave an update on meditation. Not only was my sleeping improved but a few nights ago my husband out of the blue just said "well, you seem happier lately." I wasn't trying to prompt him or anything. "For how long?" I asked. "A couple months" he said. I can only guess it's the meditation. I don't feel bursting with happiness, I just feel like things role off my back so much faster.

That's all for now folks.

1 comment:

  1. Well Janae, I think you just need to move out by me and thenthe month of March will be amazingly better. First of all, You'd live by me! Second, the weather is much better. We've had some rain, and some wind, but no snow. ;) The sun has made more of an appeareance ad we've had many days tha we didn't have to wear jackets even. Yay for flowers! We planted flower seeds a few weeks ago, but nothing has popped out yet. I think the ants got to them. Kep up the meditation and happiness! :)
